Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blog Post #2 woot woot!

P1-Speech (Maddie in ttfn)

   Maddie's manner of speaking in ttfn is very inappropriate. She talks as if she's a grown up, but not a grown up with respectful manner, more like a grown up who doesn't know how to respect others. Maddie is the type of teenager who likes to swear for everything! If you say one thing she'll just say a swear word back to you. She talks very uptight and like she's at the top of the food chain and like she's number one, when she's really not! She swears to her parents and of course to her friends as well, but she doesn't care. "zoegirl: angela could barley get the words out, she was crying so hard. mad maddie: holy f**king sh*t" If you read the book, I can guarantee you that you'll be surprised at how much she swears! That's how Maddie talks and she is the only one that can change it. [77]

P2- Thoughts (Maddie in ttfn)
    Maddie doesn't really think much, she just does the things that come to her head. Maddie doesn’t care what people, like her friends, care about her smoking pot. She says pot is her drug and she doesn't care what others think they should either accept it or not! The only thing that Maddie thinks about is Angela moving to California. "of course, and we'll figure out how to beat this, we will, angela. CUZ U R NOT MOVING TO CALIFORNIA."  That's the only thing that Maddie truly cares about, thinks about, and is majorly concerned about: Angela moving! When Maddie is about to do something, she doesn't think about it, like in drugs and all, she just does it! Like yeah, a couple times she'll think about it, but she'll still do it though! [29]

P3- Effect on others (Maddie in ttfn)

   Maddie doesn't really affect the people around her. Only her one friend Zoe. She would make Zoe do dares to prove that she wasn't the type of person who was scarred about what other think about her. She had three dares to do. One of the three dares was to go up to a random person and tell them to shut the h-e-double hockey sticks up. The second dare was to super glue sticker, with inappropriate writing on it, on to a teacher’s car! The teacher was Mr. H. Zoe and Maddie had a thing going on sophomore year, enough said there! Maddie wanted Zoe to concur her fears with Mr. H. by just having fun! The third and final most defecating dare was the marshmallow nipple dare. "here is your dare: u r to glue two marshmallows to your shirt-the OUTSIDE of your shirt-at approximate nipple location, then stroll from 1 end of the mall to the other."  [168] OMG! that's just too much don't you think? But believe it or not, Zoe ACTUALLY did this dare, its crazy! What makes it crazier is that no matter what happened, Zoe and Maddie are still friends. All her friends still want to be around her, they know how Maddie is and who she is!

P4-Actions (Maddie in ttfn)

   Maddie is the type of character who is very outgoing and does what she wants to do; she doesn't care what others think about her! Her friends, Angela and Zoe (the BFF's) are actually jealous of who Maddie is! They're jealous of her for being the outgoing not giving a crapp what people think about her type of person! Usually Maddie is always with Clive, this boy she calls Chive. "zoegirl: excuse me, but what are you doing still at home? why aren't u at chive's? madmaddie: we're not meeting until after northside basketball game cuz whitney insisted they attended." [203] She met him at her brothers wedding and she likes the guy for pet sack. But thanks to her hanging out with Chive Maddie has changed. She's become the smoking type of a girl now. She smokes pot, drinks beer, whine and all. Her friends are concerned about her and they worry about her as well, but don't want to confront her because they're scarred they're going to lose her. Until Zoe confronts her about and they got into an argument. Long story short they made up because they love each other.

P5-Looks (Maddie in ttfn)

   Maddie, well I can't really describe her to you because the book is written in an I Ming type of way and it doesn't describe how the characters look, sorry ): but I can tell you that Maddie is a junior in high school. "With sophomore year and its troubles behind them, the winsome is on cruise control, enjoying the well-earned perk of being sixteen." [1] its her third year and she's ready for all the excitement to come.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Woo hoo 1st blog post!

     I never really use to read books especially with books teachers use to give me at school. I hated those books with a passion and still do! I would have to say that maybe one out of a thousand books given to me to read from teachers I would actually read, and not the whole book either just parts. I would read to my little cousins when they asked me to read for them, but that was only a little bit. I only read books that interest me and i find entertaining to me. For instance scary, funny, real life, or mystery books I like. I'm not a big autobiography person or anything like that. So pretty much i would and do rarely read books. Only read to my little cousins and books that I'll maybe find interesting.
      The first book I'm reading is called "ttfn" by Lauren Myracle. I picked it because I remembered my friend read it once and she said it was a good book. It seemed very interesting to me, by the way she described it to me, so i decided why not get it. I also liked the book too because it's written as an instant messaging conversation going on and I find it fun to read, so it doesn't seem like a boring old book to me. I expect this book to be about either girls or guys instant messaging one another about what's going on in their life 24/7! It seems like a very good book so far to me, since i started reading it last night. I would have to say it's a pretty good book for being my first one, hopefully the book doesn't back fire on me and end up being a lame book!